GARR Mirror

Welcome to the GARR Mirror website, the service that makes the distribution of the most used software available on the net available to all users.
Mirror is a historic GARR service, active since 2001, it is constantly updated and maintained. Scrolling the page of the site you will find the list of repositories currently available with the possibility of filtering by name.

For any support information or requests to add a new repository go to the support section.

In this graph it is possible to view the aggregate traffic outgoing from our servers to users.

Aggregate outgoing traffic

Mirror List

Hiren's bootcd (hbcd)

Tdf - libreoffice

Hiren's bootcd (hbcd)

Tdf - libreoffice

Hiren's bootcd (hbcd)


For technical support requests or information relating to the Mirror service, click on the following button

GARR Mirror Support